Taking Notes From The Life Of Mary
Think about this. A woman of humankind will carry the Messiah in her womb and give birth to Him after child labour (a proof she will be a human being from the stock of Eve is that she will labour). Then the devil will seek His life, which was eventually fulfilled through Herod. Then, she fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared for her. This was talking about how they ran to Egypt to escape the Child being killed by Herod. But in the Gospel, it was Joseph that could receive the divine instruction.
So, it means this woman has to flee into safety on the back of her husband's spirituality. Because, many times, God respects order, including in the home. So, this prophecy of the woman escaping to safety won't be fulfilled if she married an unspiritual man. Please, don't marry an unspiritual man that can't carry you and your seeds in the Spirit.
So, when it was time for the Messiah to be sent into the world, the heavens started scanning the woman that could be used. Let's say there were 100 unmarried ladies there, but 20 has defiled themselves at a point. It remains 80 virgins. Let's say, 30 are still single not engaged (a good reason why you should be sensitive to the right timing to start a relationship leading to marriage). Let with 50. Out of the 50, only 15 are at that time engaged to a man that is from Bethlehem, and is a direct lineage of David and Judah. Out of the 15 left, only 5 are deeply spiritual. Out of the 5, only 3 are engaged to men that are also highly spiritual. So, it means, we have 3 ladies who, after the screening in heaven, have what it takes to be the mother of Jesus. Now, what made Mary highly favoured was that, we decided to choose you out of the 3 qualified ladies that could fit into this prophecy.
This is true because God can never be stranded. If Mary had, two days before the Angel came, defiled herself by mistake. When she prayed for forgiveness, God will forgive her. But she has disqualified herself unknowingly. The heaven will simply pick another woman, and maybe what we will have is Martha the mother of Jesus or Anna.
The unfortunate thing is, if they have defiled themselves, Mary and Joseph might still have a great marriage. But it is when they get to eternity that they will start wailing for what they missed.(a lot of people will weep when we get to heaven when they see how their lives should have turned out).
Another expression of the favour upon her revolves around the fact that God has placed intercessors for them. So, there might be times Mary and Joseph wants to engage in sex, but on the strength of the intercessors, something happens that prohibited them.
There must be intercessors for you if you have great destiny (you also intercede for others, and your back will be rubbed too).
Lessons From The Life Of Mary
Lesson 1: Trust in God's Plan
Mary's story begins with a miraculous conception, where she becomes pregnant with Jesus despite being a virgin. This event is often referred to as the Annunciation. Mary's response to the angel Gabriel's announcement is a powerful lesson in trust and obedience. She says, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). Mary's trust in God's plan and her willingness to surrender to His will is a powerful reminder that our lives are not our own, but are entrusted to Him.
In our own lives, we often struggle with uncertainty and doubt. We may feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face or uncertain about the future. Mary's story reminds us that God is always working behind the scenes, even when we cannot see or understand what He is doing. By trusting in His plan and surrendering to His will, we can find peace and confidence in His sovereignty.
Lesson 2: Devotion and Sacrifice
Mary's devotion to her son Jesus was unwavering, even when it required great sacrifice. She accompanied Him on His ministry travels, often leaving her family and social circle behind. She also stood by Him during His crucifixion, watching as He suffered and died on the cross. Mary's love for Jesus was so deep that she was willing to endure any hardship for His sake.
As Christians, we are called to emulate Mary's devotion and sacrifice. We must be willing to put others before ourselves, just as Mary did when she chose to give up her own plans and desires for the sake of her son. This kind of selflessness requires a deep commitment to our faith and a willingness to put God first in our lives.
Lesson 3: Intercession and Prayer
Mary is often depicted as a powerful intercessor, praying for her son and others throughout His life. Her prayers were not limited to seeking blessings or relief from suffering; she also prayed for Jesus' mission and purpose. When Jesus was facing opposition and criticism from those around Him, Mary turned to prayer for guidance and comfort (John 2:3-5).
As Christians, we are also called to be intercessors, praying for others and seeking God's guidance in our own lives. We can learn from Mary's example by setting aside time each day to pray for those around us, including our friends, family members, and even those we may not know personally.
Lesson 4: Humility and Submission
Mary's humility and submission to God's will are evident throughout her life. When the angel Gabriel announced her pregnancy, she responded with humility and reverence, saying "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord" (Luke 1:38). When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, she submitted herself to the circumstances of her situation, taking on the role of a lowly servant rather than seeking to assert her own status or power.
As Christians, we can learn from Mary's example by recognizing our own limitations and weaknesses. We must be willing to submit ourselves to God's will, acknowledging that we are not capable of controlling our own lives or determining our own destinies. By embracing humility and submission, we can experience freedom from the burdens of pride and self-will.
Lesson 5: Faithfulness in Suffering
Mary faced many challenges throughout her life with Jesus, including rejection by those who did not understand Him or His message. She also experienced the sorrow of watching her son suffer on the cross. Despite these difficulties, Mary remained faithful to her son and continued to believe in Him until the end.
As Christians, we too will face suffering and hardship in this life. But Mary's example teaches us that even in those darkest moments, we can remain faithful and steadfast in our trust in God. By holding onto our faith and refusing to give up hope, we can emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.
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