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Being Grateful To God For Being God


Imagine if God is not God, and imagine if some other entities were to be God.

How can a Person has so much power (in fact, He has all the power in the world) and He is still very humble, loving, and righteous? He is never power drunk nor intoxicated.

You will better appreciate this if you should consider certain folks throughout history that wielded a small form of power, and caused serious havoc with their power.

Let's consider a man like Adolf Hither, who possessed some measure of physical power. But see how power turned him into a monster who caused the death of millions

Let's also consider Lucifer, the devil. Of course, the devil is not powerful all by himself, since he has no power to create power. Nevertheless, since he was with God as an archangel for a very long time before he rebelled, he knew how to engage various mystical supernatural principles, which makes him seems powerful. Unfortunately, see the eternal evil he brought upon many humans with his little 'power'.

But God, the Owner and Custodian of all powers (Psalms 62:11),  remained a perfect Gentleman who loves everyone of us despite our imperfections, and won't abuse His great powers. 

He is the All-powerful One who meekly keeps knocking at the door of the hearts of humans, wanting to have a formidable relationship with us. This is despite the fact that He can do without us, since He is all sufficient.

This is a good reason to worship the LORD. If God has not been God, perhaps the entity that would have been God would have destroyed everyone of us. God is good.

Prayer Of Thanksgiving: Father, I thank You for being God. I worship You for being a good and loving Person even with Your great powers.

A Psalm of Praise 

Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honour of His name; make His praise glorious - Psalm 66:1-2

Compose Your Own Song Of Praise 

I'm encouraging you to get a pen and compose 

Pause and reflect upon the goodness of God towards you, and give Him thanks for that

Being Thankful For The Sweetness Of Jesus

Jesus Christ is the most amazing Personality we can ever know. The more we know Him, the more we want to love Him. He is so Sweet.

Imagine the KING of kings who decided to willingly humble Himself to come down to the earth so He can be humiliated by His own creatures, dying for us so He can bring us back to a right standing with God. 

Perhaps this will make more sense to you with this illustration. Imagine if you as a human being was asked to become an ant, live with the ants and they eventually will get you humiliated and killed? How many of us can agree to that?

But Jesus decided to come to our level and pass through terrible things, just to give us eternal life and every blessings. He doesn't have to do this if He doesn't want to (and it won't change the fact that He will still be the Word of God). 

Faith in Jesus empowered us to become children of God (John 1:12), and we became eternal triumphant creatures. Yes, we won't only live as conquerors here on earth, but are guaranteed of a blissful eternity in Heaven. All sponsored by the Lord Jesus Christ!

Prayer Of Thanksgiving: Dear Jesus, thank You for passing through a lot to save me from eternal death and for giving me a beautiful life.


Pause and reflect upon the goodness of God towards you, and give Him thanks for that

For The Gift Of The Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost activated the Life we received upon confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit has always been an amazing Friend and Guide.

The Holy Spirit loves helping us, and He has an expertise in doing this. Our lives would have been filled with the ugliness of the world if it hasn't been the Holy Spirit in us. He keeps, faithfully, guiding us into all truths in God, and unto greatness.

The Holy Spirit empowered us to have dominion over creation. We can live above negative composites like poverty, sickness, curses, sin, satan, hell, death, etc, all because of the Precious Holy Ghost.

Prayer Of Thanksgiving: Precious Holy Ghost, I'm grateful for Your amazing Personality and operations in my life.

Thanking God For His Word

The Word of God is beautiful, and our lives only radiates the beauty of His Word. The Word of God empowers us with the wisdom, revelation, information, motivation, inspiration, and all we need for a true life of victory and dominion.

The Word of God became our ultimate guide leading us on the pathway of life, far above limitations and sufferings and all forms of demonic negativity. It was in God's Word that we were equipped with God's Will, and empowered to live the life devoid of sin. This has been saving us from the headaches the world is going through.

The Word of God makes us eternal champions. And as we are always thankful in your hearts for God's Word, our hearts remain fertile enough to receive it well, and ensure it flourishes greatly to produce very great fruits for God's glory.

Prayer of Thanksgiving: Dear Lord Jesus, You whose eternal identity is the Word of God, thank You for the great light You have made available to us today in Your Word. Amen

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